Writings II

Sheep Corral wuna tha sheep Writings Index Writings I Writings II Bible Sheep Jesus Places to Go Comment  Book

Holy Spirit inspired . . .

                         OPEN HEART SURGERY

We all could use a little bit of time on the table . .  letting the Great Physician so tenderly, gingerly come in, to do away with the bad tissue, the bad attitudes & wrong words

to open the blockages & repair the flow of grace in our lives, the flow of living waters; to let HIM heal the deep wounds

Letting HIM, as only HE can do, manipulate, massage, move & mold our hearts, restoring them to conform to the image of HIS Dear Son, JESUS

God says HE will take out the heart of stone & give us a new heart of flesh  (Eze. 36) a heart that is capable of compassion & love 

Then, of course, we can (in disobedience & rebellion) make it hard as a rock again. How many times does HE tell us not to harden our hearts or to have a heart of disbelief?

Just as David, we need to come to a place where we can say: “Examine me O Lord, to see if there be any wrong way in me, prove me; try the reins of my heart.”  Psalm 26

How can we get our hearts soft again? Especially, if we don’t even know they have become hard?

“Let the words of my mouth & the meditation of my heart be acceptable in YOUR sight.” Psalm 19:14

Like James says, the tongue is the littlest member of the body, but can set a whole world of iniquity on fire . 

Just like we guide a horse where we will with a bit in it’s mouth ... that is, if the horse is willing & gentle; submissive to the master

Can we bridle our tongues ? ? ?

we, as humble & submitted servants of the Lord, should also respond to the reins of the Holy Spirit, and be guided by HIM, able to say: “Try my reins Lord"

 Out of the good treasure of the heart, the mouth speaks  ~ We need to give God permission to put a bit in our mouths, to try our reins, and guide us into HIS will & purpose for our lives.

back to the open heart surgery that is necessary for all believers. The Holy Spirit isn’t into doing by-pass surgery. HE doesn’t go around the issue ~ HE heals it, if given the chance.

When I was teaching my 2 year old filly to take the bit, I was told to put my arm around her head, underneath her chin, and bring her head towards me. God wants us also to turn towards HIM. We cannot accept the bit & bridle if we don’t turn our heads towards HIM and face HIM.

During times of open heart surgery God will deposit a good treasure in our hearts ~ the Fruit of the Spirit, Words of abundant Life, and Living Water.

With a horse, it’s always nice to get the horse to lower it’s head to accept the bridle; makes it a whole lot easier. Especially if you are vertically challenged, as I am. I imagine God also thinks it would make it a whole lot easier if we would lower our heads (of pride) and humble ourselves. God can’t apply the reins if we won’t take the bit. Perhaps bowing down even, would make it easier yet. Wouldn’t you love to have a horse that bowed down for you to get on? Now that would indicate submission and willingness.

heart & mouth connection

Seems that the treasure of our hearts and the words of our mouths are connected. If our hearts are brimming over with the Word of God, know this: that the WORD is LIVING & POWERFUL; sharper than a two-edged sword. Jesus said the WORDS that I speak are LIFE & SPIRIT. This WORD deposited in our hearts, gives us ABUNDANT LIFE; JESUS is the LIVING WORD that came down from heaven.  And in Proverbs it says that the power of Life and Death are in the tongue.

ONLY the Holy Spirit can repair the brokenhearted. He can mend the flow with the blood of Jesus, with the blood of royalty & living waters. We may even need a transfusion while we are on the table. He can heal the wound, but only if we let HIM. We may need to cry, scream and kick some as we crawl up on the operating table for surgery. But we will not need anesthesia. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman; HIS touch, so soft, careful and light.

If there is any pain during open heart surgery by the Holy Spirit, it will be to our pride perhaps. We may need to actually go ask forgiveness of our brother before we can be healed. Doctors are just now realizing that some of the major physical ailments man experiences may be connected to unforgiveness. The Lord says: Lift up the hands that hang down and straighten the feeble knees & make straight paths for your feet, so that which is lame may be healed.

David gave God permission to put a bit in his mouth and to try his reins, to guide him wheresoever the Lord willed, that David might yield to HIS will alone. The yield signs on the highway these days, means more like: “watch out buddie, here I come!” I imagine some people don’t even know what a yellow yield sign means at all.

If you are so inclined to crawl upon the table, the Master Potter will take a heart of stone and manipulate the clay of a willing heart, warming & softening it, molding it into the very image of His Dear Son, from glory to glory.

Let us yield to the Holy Spirit, and allow HIM to do open heart surgery on us, to cut away everything that is not of faith in us ~ to scoop out the bitterness, rejection, hate, anger, unforgiveness. Let’s allow HIM to cleanse and open the blockages that we might receive a heavenly flow of grace, joy, peace, love and forgiveness.

We are HIS inheritance. Do you think that HE’s gonna’ accept some old cold, hard, dried up lump of clay into HIS Kingdom? No, HE wants soft, sensitive, gentle & meek hearts, full of HIS compassion.

A REAL Christian is different. The true Christian dies to self; he is in the world, but not of it. We are aliens & pilgrims, strangers in a strange land. Our citizenship is in heaven. We are not mere humans; we have been translated out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of HIS Dear Son. We are new creations, who walk as resurrected men and women. Yes, already resurrected !!! We are supernatural beings, born again of an incorruptible seed. We should be walking in the miraculous and supernatural as if it were a natural, everyday occurrence.

HE wants people who are not thinking more highly of themselves than they ought; who bless the person that offends them; who go the extra mile, who gives the other coat as well, and yes, he who turns the other cheek. (Romans 6)

We have already been blessed with ALL spiritual blessings in heavenly places; it is done!

Believing is something that takes place in the heart. “with the heart man believes unto righteousness" (Romansns 10:8-10)   A heart that is filled with fear, anger, or bitterness, finds it very hard to believe. Renew your mind to the Word of God and believe in your heart. Fill it with good treasure. Sell all that you have and buy the field with the pearl in it. Let your heart become pliable in the hands of the Master.

Our lives are hidden in Christ and we are already seated at the right hand of the Father, hidden in Christ Jesus. Confess such gems of God’s Word as this. Let your ears hear what you are saying, which will go back inside you and build your most holy faith. Pray always in the Spirit, for your own edification.

 ~ Clay, sitting at the foot of the fire becomes soft and moldable ~    

O yeah, and surgery lasts a lifetime or until Jesus comes back. There are no quick, anti-plaque prescriptions to increase the flow, or magic little wires that open the blockages. It’s hard work being a Christian; but the reward is eternal . . . .

Each morning when we rise up, we should be stepping down out of eternity into this world.

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Every knee shall bow . . .

It’s my body . . . or is it?

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.    . . ~ I Cor. 6:19

Body parts:

Hands - Lift up your hands in the sanctuary  ~ Psalm 134:2  I will lift up my hands  ~ Psalm 63:4

Mouth - let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for edifying  that it may impart grace to those who hear ~ Eph. 4:29

Tongue - every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father ~ Phil. 2:10

Eyes - the eye is the lamp of the body. If your eye is sound, your whole body will befull of light ~ Matt 6:22

Nose - then the Lord God formed man of dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being  ~ Gen 2:6

Mind - we have the mind of Christ ~ I Cor 2:16 I will put my laws into their minds ~ Heb 8:10

Heart - and write them on the tablet of their hearts ~ Heb 8:10

And I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God: for they shall return to me with their whole heart  ~ Jer 24:7

a new heart will I also give you and a new spirit will I put within you  ~ Ez 36:26

Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God  ~ Matt 5:8

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also  ~ Matt 6:21

“He who believes in me, as the scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water.” ~ John 7:38

Feet - having shod your feet with the equipment of the gospel of peace ~ Eph. 6:15

- make straight paths for your feet ~ Heb. 12:13

(May/June 2005) revised & added onto 4/06)  Copyright 2006  Wuna-tha-sheep